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Children & Youth Ministries

Caring for our children and our youth is something we don't take lightly.  All ministries are staffed with qualified, loving, giving, and compassionate leaders.  A children's church were you, as parents, can have comfort in knowing your children and youth are being cared for through the life-giving care.  


NURSERY - 10:30 a.m.(Sundays)     7:00p.m.(Wednesdays)


We are honored to assist in caring for your babies in order that you may enjoy the Sunday morning services.  Qualified overseers offer loving child-care, giving parents comfort in knowing that they can appreciate the Sunday services as their little ones are being loved and attended.


KIDS' CHURCH - 10:00 a.m.(Sundays)     7:00p.m.(Wednesdays)


Sundays, our children enjoy their very own service, designed to their very own age grouping.  The sessions are filled with fun, fellowship, Gospel stories, and activities all pointing to developing their 'God-Life'.  The fromative years are so curcuial in forming the value system of every young person.  Our chidlren are the most precious commodity.  They are ready to soak up the principles and the love of God.  Thus, we are dedicated to help in developing Godly children. 


YOUTH CHURCH - 11:00 a.m.(Sundays)     7:30p.m.(Wednesdays)


On Sunday mornings, running concurrently with the adult service, our high school teenagers enjoy a meaningful time of fellowship together. Youth are the ones who are primed to inherit the ‘baton’ of pursuing and leading a Godly life in our society. Despite the challenges of a liberal society, there are clear directives through the Word for every young person who desires more of God.

Children/Youth Ministries

NURSERY - 10:30 a.m.(Sundays)     7:00p.m.(Wednesdays)


We are honored to assist in caring for your babies in order that you may enjoy the Sunday morning services.  Qualified overseers offer loving child-care, giving parents comfort in knowing that they can appreciate the Sunday services as their little ones are being loved and attended.


KIDS' CHURCH - 10:00 a.m.(Sundays)     7:00p.m.(Wednesdays)


Sundays, our children enjoy their very own service, designed to their very own age grouping.  The sessions are filled with fun, fellowship, Gospel stories, and activities all pointing to developing their 'God-Life'.  The fromative years are so curcuial in forming the value system of every young person.  Our chidlren are the most precious commodity.  They are ready to soak up the principles and the love of God.  Thus, we are dedicated to help in developing Godly children. 


YOUTH CHURCH - 11:00 a.m.(Sundays)     7:30p.m.(Wednesdays)


On Sunday mornings, running concurrently with the adult service, our high school teenagers enjoy a meaningful time of fellowship together. Youth are the ones who are primed to inherit the ‘baton’ of pursuing and leading a Godly life in our society. Despite the challenges of a liberal society, there are clear directives through the Word for every young person who desires more of God.

TLC Nursery

Nursery (8 weeks to 3 years old) Sundays at 10:00AM

Pebbles Rock Room

Pebbles ROCK Room (Kinder - 1st Grade) Sundays at 10:00AM


ROCK Room (2nd Grade - Middle School) Sundays at 10:00AM


Wednesdays at 7:00PM The ROCK Room (Elementary to Middle)


Wednesday at 7:00PM TLC Youth



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