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Our Vision

You are loved by Christ; and the "Life Center" family.  You are loved so much by Christ, that we feel it's our responsibility, as believers in Christ, to share His love, mercy, grace, hope, and forgiveness through our relationships inside and outside the church.  But it cannot be done alone.  We need each other if we are going to make a difference in our community, city, and the world.  A vision allows us to have a purpose together, in unity, and strengthens our bond; in relationship and love to each other, and most importantly, Jesus Christ.

(1 Corinthians 12:20-22, Ephesians 4:15-16).   


To mature and establish a family of spirit filled and gifted believers who passionately pursue a life centered on serving God by consistently embracing...

  • God’s word in their daily lives through

    • prayer​

    • the study of the word of God (Bible)

    • meditation in the word and with the Holy Spirit

    • life application, and ...

    • character that points to Jesus

  • The experience of participating in spirit filled worship, one that​

    • brings us back to the Heart of worship

    • points us to Jesus, and...

    • is Jesus centered

  • The opportunities of building relationships through 

    • fellowship​

    • ministries

    • outreach (locally and internationally) and...

    • love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness which was also given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

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